Audience: Urologists, Residents and Fellows
Client: Dr. Khurshid Guru
Date: May 2019
Marketing Director: Heidi Findlay
Creative Director: Benjamin Richie
Art Direction, Lead Designer & Animator: Iman Carr
Lead Illustrator, Editor: Hannah Bryce Ely
Senior Photographer: Bill Sheff
Senior Producer/Editor: Rolando Rosario
Video Producer: Anthony Vescio
Marketing Manager / Team: Natasha Allard/ Daniel Cave & Iman Carr
Marketing Coordinator: Jenna Bizovi
As the lead designer and animator, I created the digital design materials, such as, the promotional video, live-stream graphic slides, and social media posts, as well as, the large masterclass flyer displayed below. As the lead illustrator, Hannah Bryce Ely the printed design materials, such as, the email flyers, certificates, ID's and invitations. I collaborated with Hannah Bryce Ely on the visual design assets and content for promotion of the Masterclass on Bladder Cancer course.
What was the Masterclass on Bladder Cancer?
The Masterclass on Bladder Cancer was a two-day comprehensive course featuring two live surgeries. Urologists, urology trainees, and fellows had an opportunity to register for the course to advance their understanding of clinical bladder cancer management. This course included technical tips and tricks for robot-assisted radical cystectomy from experts in the field, as well as different techniques for intra-corporal urinary diversion and non-surgical treatments. Those who were unable to attend the course in-person could register and tune in to the two surgeries live on BroadcastMed.
During these two days, participants explored the role of immunotherapy in bladder cancer treatment, the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, how to deal with challenging variations in histology, proper perioperative preparation for best outcomes, techniques of cystectomy and intracorporal urinary diversion, principles of uretero-ileal and urethra-neobladder anastomosis, and the best ways to deal with intraoperative complications. Participants also learned from watching a live surgery with commentary and open discussion, from experts like Dr. Khurshid Guru, Dr. Bernard Bochner, and more. The Masterclass on Bladder Cancer was approved for up to 12 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit.
The live-streamed surgeries from this two-day course will soon be available online at BroadcastMed: https://www.broadcastmed.com/urology/9753/masterclass
Social Media

Webcast Slides

Promotional Video